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Alastair Findlay and Douglas Anderson shake hands over the Anthony Hart Mini

George Donaldson opens the press launch following video of events in the 50's and sixties. 

Grand Setting in the Blythswood Hotel

         Douglas leans casually for                  another photo opportunity

Alastair grins for the cameras, despite throbbing arthritic knee !!

Much easier to pose in front of the display.

Douglas prepares for his piece to camera for the BBC

Graeme Gallaoway's Anglia
Monte Carlo Historique Glasgow Start Formally Launched
Report and photos Jim Paterson

Press and television descended on the Blythswood Square Hotel on Tuesday 19th October for the formal launch of Glasgow as a start venue for the Monte Carlo Historique Rally on the 27th January 2011.

Launched in the former premises of the Royal Scottish Automobile Club, now a hotel but still proud of its links with the "Monte", CCHMSC joined forces with the RSAC and the Glasgow Marketing Bureau team to announce the forthcoming programme of events.

George Donaldson, former rally driver and team boss, acted as host, introducing Douglas Anderson from CCHMSC, Joe Aitken from 
the Glasgow Marketing Bureau, Jonathon Lord and Alison Clark of the RSAC, and Alastair Findlay who took part in the event during the seventies.

Douglas reported that he had achieved his lifetime ambition to see the Monte start return to Blythswood Square Glasgow. The last time Glasgow was a start was back in 1973. He reported that entries for the Glasgow venue were filling up fast and hoped that a full entry of some 70 cars will be achieved. Glasgow, joins Warsaw, Marrakesh, Barcelona and Reims as start points, providing a total of 500 expected entries for the Automobile Club de Monaco event.
Douglas confirmed that the proposed route through the UK had been approved, following a meeting with the club earlier in the month in Monte Carlo.

Joe Aitken for Glasgow Marketing Bureau team welcomed the rally to Glasgow, and promised to support and ensure Glasgow was ready to host this prestigious event. At a time of year when tourism is generally low, the event is expected to draw a wide range of enthusiasts and general public as well as the teams and crews into the city, which he valued at some £1m to Glasgow.

Alison Clark, in charge of the event hospitality, outlined some of the highlights, including the Civic Reception on the 26th, a Gala Dinner with the legendary Stuart Turner as speaker. Stuart, as all CCHMSC members know, was Competitions Manager n both BMC and Ford and was responsible for the works teams on the Monte during the "Classic" years. [Read more on Stuarts' visit to CCHMSC here]. Thursday 27th will start with a Classic Motorsport Show leading up to the Blythswood Square start at 1830 in the evening.

Jonathan Lord from the RSAC provided some of the history to the Glasgow start, going back to the late 1920's. One of Jonathan's predecessors, A.K. Stevenson not only started events but then jumped in a car and competed in the event!  Organisers, perhaps unfortunately, cannot enter events they are involved with any more. Jonathan also pointed out that the term "Rally" was started with the Monte Carlo event. The term "rally" being drawn from the fact that starters "rallied" to a central point for the joint competitive sections (the concentration run). Many rallies of the fifties used the same format, even the Scottish Rally, with start points around the UK. In 1961 the BBC entered a London Taxi, which did reach Monaco, and the last start from Glasgow in 1973 had the Scotsman newspaper enter a Mini.

Blytheswood Hotel - Click for more details

Alastair Findlay reported some of his experiences, including the his 1971 entry when he, and many others, were stopped near Bouverie following an avalanche. Now most would call that Force Majeure, but not the French! He, and the other unfortunates were declared OTL at the next Time Control and excluded. Not content with such a response Alastair fought the decision and was given a free entry to the 1972 event. Unfortunately that was canceled due to the fuel crisis at the time. When trying to use the free entry on the 1973 event the Club dismissed their free entry, saying it should have been used in 1972 !

Photographs of the organising team, Alastair Findlay and CCHMSC's Douglas Anderson, gathered round Anthony Harts beautifully restored Mini followed. Getting the Mini into the foyer of the hotel is another story, but Douglas had to reverse it up the stairs to the front door, see photo of entrance above. The Italian Job springs to mind! The BBC interviewed Douglas for the Scottish News bulletin on the 19th October.   

Much work is required between now and the start of the event. The Rallye Monte-Carlo Historique Glasgow Start organising committee will be putting all its efforts towards making the Glasgow start a success, showing that Glasgow and Scotland can successfully work with one of the worlds most famous and respected automobile clubs.

Pre Regs are now available from the Automobile Club de Monaco

                                    More on the Monte Carlo Start

                            Blythswood Hotel - part of the Town House Collection

Updated 24 October 2010