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Blytheswood Square start 

E type Jaguar of Merrick and Merrick in opposite lock across the top of the Col de Turini on the 1962 MCR. 

Minis battle through the snow 2009  Scottish Great North Winter Challenge


Graeme Gallaoway's Anglia
Glasgow Start for Monte Carlo Historique Centenial - 2011

It's Official!
Report by Douglas Anderson

Like many car mad boys growing up in the 50’s and 60’s, I was smitten by the magic of the Monte – the cars, the glamour, the adventure.  There was nothing quite like it. It was always my ambition to experience it at a first hand by going to Blythswood Square to take in the atmosphere of this world famous rally.  But for so many reasons I never made it.  Perhaps that’s why I have had this burning ambition to bring back the Glasgow Start of the Monte Carlo Rally.

It has taken a bit of time and effort, but the good news is that the Start of the Monte Carlo Rally is coming back to Scotland.  I have managed to fulfill my ambition and I am ecstatic.  I keep re-reading the confirmation email from Michel Ferry of the Automobile Club de Monaco just to make sure that it is true!  Yes, the magic of the Monte is coming back to Blythswood Square on 27 January 2011 and I would like as many people as possible to be part of this great event.

Naturally, there is still a lot of work to do, not just with organising the Start and the route down to Dover, but also a full programme of events in Glasgow leading up to the Start.  At this stage there are lots of plans afoot and over the next few months I will keep you up to date with all that’s happening.  You can be sure that there will be lots of opportunities for people to be involved.  Let’s give them a Start to remember.

Click on the picture below to view this Pathe News clip from the 1952 event, covering the Glasgow start and the loading at Folkestone for the trip over to France.

Pre Regs are now available from the Automobile Club de Monaco


Updated 26 July 2010