Classic High Tea - 1 December 2024
Report and photos Jim Paterson

From across the UK - members from near and far
snow this year for the 43 crew members who arrived for the annual High
Tea celebration at the Royal George Hotel in Perth. With crews from
across the country, including a warm welcome for Mike and Gillian Helm
all the way from St. Albans. A lot of banter and tall tales over our
meal raised a few laughs while chatting about what is in store for
2025. Some new ideas also picked up from members so lookout for further
events to be added to our new year calendar.
Once again the Royal George Hotel in Perth gave us their
large dining room, the room we usually use, as it allows sufficient spacing between
It was good to meet our regular members and new faces, Mike and Gillian
Helm amongst them. They had flown up from Stanstead and hired a
car in Edinburgh. Mike told me it would have been quicker to have
driven up from home in St. Albans, such were the delays at airport
parking, checking in, collecting pre-booked hire car etc.
A few of our
committee members turned out with John Stuart, Tom Niven and Karen Wilson, George and Jean Shand joining us. .
We talked of our planned tours for next year, starting with the Red
Hackle in May. Organisers Ron & Jan Adam have the route
drafted, part checked, and places to visit on route identified. The
Grampian Gallop in July is a new event that will take us north
east from the start at Pitlochry. George Shand has the outline route
mapped out, again with places of interest on route to visit.
September we head west, starting from Stirling on the Tour of the
Trossachs. Jim Watson is choosing the route and is well advanced, again
with place s of interest on the way.
Finally at the end of September we return to the border country, this time on the eastern side, picking out routes the Roman Legions covered as they headed north of Hadrians wall into Caledonia.
Full details at Sneak Peek
The Club wishes ALL our members and everyone who is a classic car enthusiast, a
very merry Christmas and a really good fun Classic New Year.
Published 4 December