Caledonian Classic & Historic Motorsport Club
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Douglas and June

Getting stuck in to the main course

Lots of cream buns to finish

Graeme Gallaoway's Anglia
CCHMSC High Tea Christmas Celebration - 12 December 2010

Fourteen members attended the CCHMSC High Tea at the Royal Hotel in Perth on Sunday 12th December 2010. With crews from Aberdeen, Inverness, Central belt and Borders, the club covered most of the spots across Scotland.

Thankfully the recent snow, which in places reached up to 3 feet (1m) deep had suffered a heavy thaw following a change from -15 to -20 all the way up to +8 degress over the previous two days. Otherwise club president Douglas Anderson and his wife and Club Secrretary June may have been sitting there on their own!  But then again Dundee, the sunniest spot in Scotland (so Douglas tells me), was also badly hit.

However we all made it and enjoyed the warmth of the hotel and a slap up Scottish High Tea. Following a tea and toast, a wide range of main courses was on offer and some had difficulty in choosing, there being so many favourites on the menu. To follow there was the customary cake stand, laden with scones and jam, cream cakes, and meringues. Calorie controlled it was not, but there was precious little left after the crews devoured all the delights.

Of course the conversation was of Classic motosrport, cars, restorations, what to drive next year etc. The forthcoming
Rally School on 3rd January and Monte Glasgow Start and Heritage Run on the 27th January, as well as the rest of the 2011 events was eagerly discussed, with some good ideas thrown in for good measure.

By time we finished we looked round and we were the last to leave (well that's not too unusual :-) ).

Have a look at all the new 2011 events, there is something for everyone, so join the Club now and you will be welcomed into a great group of classic car owners  and enthusiasts. you don't have to own a Classic car to be a member. 


Updated 13 December 2010