Caledonian Classic & Historic Motorsport Club
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Graeme Gallaoway's Anglia
Duncan Laing - 25 October 2011
Report by Douglas Anderson, photo David Ross 

It was with great sadness that I heard of the death of one or our most respected club members, Duncan Laing on 25 October 2011.  Duncan was an active participant and great fan of motor sport, but some of you may not realise that he made a massive contribution to the automotive industry.  Among other things, he worked as a development engineer at Jowett and was responsible for the development of today’s superchargers.  I hope that in the near future we can ask someone who knew him well and followed his career, to write an article for the club website in his honour.

Personally, I feel privileged to have known him and feel saddened by his passing.  I will always remember him the way I last saw him: lying on the grassy bank at the Alford sprint circuit, enjoying the sight of his fellow entrants in the Deeside Way 2011, making their way round, through and sometimes over the cones.  Little did we know that this would be his last motor sport event.

In his memory, I would like to propose that we introduce a Duncan Laing trophy to be awarded next year in a club event held in the North East.  Our sympathy goes out to his family and friends.

Douglas Anderson


Updated 7 December 2011