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Graeme Gallaoway's Anglia
Deeside Way - 30 July 2011
Report by June Anderson, photos David Ross and June Anderson

Saturday 30 July saw 26 crews set out from Fourmile House, Aberdeen for a Tour through the magnificent Deeside countryside.  The route took in some little used roads which even some of the locals said they had not been on for years.  Dragging everyone away from the coffee and bacon rolls at Fourmile was the first challenge, but once they were on the road, the navigators were kept busy looking out for the route checks for the first part of the Navigator’s Challenge. 

The tests at Alford lived up to their usual level of competitiveness , with the three classes being keenly contested.  Class 1 (small cars) saw novices Christopher and Elliott Pass emerge victorious in their MG Midget, just pipping David Ross and George Kennedy’s immaculate Mini Cooper S by 1 second.  Class 2 (medium cars) was won by Andrew and Steven Jamieson in their Vauxhall Viva who were a clear 4 seconds ahead of the next in this class.  Graeme and Sandra Henderson were popular, if somewhat surprised, winners of Class 3.  His Austin Healey, which is well known to Deeside competitors, set the fastest time of the day, with a very tidy drive round the cones.

The afternoon section challenged the Navigator’s to complete their own Tulip Roadbook, by drawing in the Tulip Diagrams to correspond to the written instructions as they went along.  This caused great excitement and quite a lot of hilarity, but overall the standard was very good.  (Note to CCHMSC committee – there are now lots of people out there who could organise a Tour.) 

As usual it was down to the tie break question to decide the winner.  They had to complete the following phrase in no more than 10 words  ‘The best thing about High Tea is  ………’ It was a tough task with some crackers  such as ‘ …… the Driver is paying’; … you can have your cake and eat it’; ‘…. eating it’.  The winner was another Deeside novice Jenny McKay who was first time out in the Lancia Fulvia of Duncan Massie with ‘ …… it’s food at the right time – High Time’. 

The High Tea at the Fife Arms Hotel, Braemar was excellent with all the plates cleared in record time and the afternoon was rounded off with a very good natured prize-giving featuring, in addition to those already mentioned, the Concours Award presented to Donald and Margaret Campbell’s superb 1955 Sunbeam Talbot. 

The Spirit of the Event was awarded to the very unfortunate Ian and Hilary Smith whose Imp caught fire and had to be left in a garage, while they gamely climbed into the back of their daughter, Tracy’s Riley Elf to finish the event.  Tracy and Sharon, her navigator, should have got an award too!!!  The final award was the Competitor’s Choice of their favourite car in the event.  There was a wide spread of votes reflecting the range of tastes in Classics, but the clear winner was the immaculate white 1961 Auto Union DKW of David and Jean Simon.

The weather was glorious, the competition hard fought and the company was excellent.  What more do you want from a day out in the beautiful Scottish countryside.


Updated 8 August 2011