Caledonian Classic & Historic Motorsport Club
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2024 events

A sneak peek of  the planned Calendar of events for 2024, for the club. 

Hopefully you will find all or some of the events a good reason to get your classic on the road and see a bit of the Scottish countryside.

We are working on other events to add to this calendar so keep looking at our website for the latest version of the planned calendar.

Full details and Regs etc for CCHMSC events will appear closer to the time of each event. 

We will also list other club and classic events and shows as we hear about them. 

Plenty to choose from for classic motoring.

If you would like to join the Club download the application form now.

Sneak Peek 2024 Events
Your committee met recently to agree the club's 2024 event list. We agreed that the cost of living crisis is still a significant issue, so for this year your club will subsidise part of the setup costs of each event. This continues the agreement made at a previous AGM to use our bank balance toward making motorsport more affordable, while maintaining the features, variety and social, that members asked we incorporate in our events.
We hope this will encourage you to bring out your classic, or modern car, on the club tours in 2024.
The Red Hackle Tour  -  5 May
Our tribute tour to the Black Watch. Start and finish to be once again at the Black Watch Museum Perth. This venue has very successfully been used as the start finish venue in several past years. Organisers Ron & Jan Adam with George Shand have yet again discovered another new route.
Ed - as I said last year,  I don't know how they still manage to do it!   
Museum Tour - 9 June

A return of this event, introduced in 2022. For 2024 we have a new route and places to visit. Starting in Dundee we will travel over some  great roads across Angus, Perth and Kinross.
Fife & Ochil's Tour - 28 July
We repeat the sortie into the Kingdom of Fife and over the Ochil's building on last years successful inaugural event., Organiser Jim and Norma Watson take us to new places across interesting roads.  As last year our start will be at Calders Kinross, next door to the motorway services.   
Rally of the Borders - 8 September
For 2024 we head over to the western Border country into Dumfries and Galloway. Change of date, earlier in the month to avoid clash with HCC Crofterra new date too.

Interesting roads and places to visit to add to a great day out. Start in New Lanark, which regulars will remember well for events in this area. 

Classic High Tea  -   1 December
End of the touring year for members to get together to chat about their year of classic motoring, and what is happening next year, at the Royal George Hotel in Perth. Includes their award winning Meringues, which never cease to amaze. 

Updated 21 November 2023