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Maurice teaching us the ropes

Gus Sandeman & Mark Brambles in Lancia Fulvia

Ian Close & Jim Blackhall in MGB

Swapping stories over high tea

Graeme Gallaoway's Anglia
Angus Classic Training Day - 27 February 2011
Photos - Maurice Millar, Jim Paterson

Maurice Millar had put together a very comprehensive presentation on "how to go rallying" for the 24 "students" who turned out at the Aboukir Hotel in Carnoustie on Sunday 27th February . Some "seasoned salts" were among the crowd, but had turned out to drive their novice navigators round the course, and no doubt offer some help them decipher the clues on the way.

A wealth of background material on navigational rallying had been     Joe Norman & Doug Ashworth in Mini, Chris Donachie and      
provided before the event, including                              Allan Aitken in Triumph TR4
an insight into the black art of Regularities. Women should allegedly be better at navigational rallying as the need to multi task is a great attribute. Remembering what order to do things in, whilst watching distance and keeping track of time and relating that to speed tables needs a cool and steady head, regardless of gender. Personally I'll stick to driving!

Graham Cox waved the cars off on a 57 mile test route around the minor roads of Angus, allowing the students to practice their new found skills in a non competitive environment.

I popped along to help as closing car, and it was great to see so many people there enjoying themselves. I had a marked map   
Mike & Linda Brook in Healey 100, Dave Heirs & Gordon Meek
to help me collect the signs etc and                                       in MG Midget
I missed a cunningly hidden turn that Maurice had put in, so it was good that all those novices managed round, without losing their cool, I am told!

A traditional Scottish high tea at the finish enabled a transfer of information and experiences among the crews. Hopefully we will see some of the new crews out on rallies across Scotland, be it historic, navigational or otherwise.

£306.51 was raised at the event for Macmillan Nurses, to help in their fight against Cancer.


Updated 7 March 2011