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Graeme Gallaoway's Anglia
Proposed Changes to Historic Road Rallying

The MSA Rallies Committee has proposed changes to the regulations relating to Regularity Sections from January 2012. These have been put out for consultation via the MSA website. As proposed, these affect the running of regularity sections both on and off the public highway. These restrictions, if introduced, would stop public road regularities and seriously affect many UK events that regularly run regularity sections off the public highway.

The proposed regulation changes can be viewed at

The MSA has identified that the wording could be wrongly construed, following widespread concern from the 
Historic Rallying community.The MSA has
reaffirmed that it was never the intention to affect historic road rallying and endurance road rallying.

A new Road Rally working group will be convened before the next meeting of the Rallies Committee to consider all feedback received and to draft more precise proposals. Subject to approval by Rallies Committee these will then come before the Motor Sports Council in March 2011 for implementation in January 2012.

The full article can be found in the November MSA News


Updated 5 November 2010