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Click for map of Lykamobiles progress

Bit of a leak underneath as Lykamobile takes a well earned rest

Ready to start again

Two cylinder 10hp? engine










Graeme Gallaoway's Anglia
Lykamobile JoG to Lands End Challenge
Report and Photographs - Jim Paterson

The age of steam returned to Edinburgh on 4th August as the Lykamobile Steam Car crossed the Forth Road Bridge to South Queensferry on its 1000 mile John O' Groats to Lands End run, raising money for Hearing dogs for the Deaf.

I met up with the hardy crew on the promenade at South Queensferry, complete with fitting background of the Forth Railway Bridge, built in the age when steam was king.

With 286 miles of the 1000 miles under their belt the crew were only one hour behind their schedule, a major feat as near disaster had struck yesterday when the boiler superheater broke between Aviemore and Perth on the old A9. Speaking to Dean Rogers, one of the crew, it meant almost a complete engine strip to repair the problem. Four hours later they were on their way at the best part of 15 mph. The little car can get up to 30mph, but would you like to sit up there at that speed.

Though the car is fitted with disc brakes, they looked like 5 inch jobs to me, it takes a steady hand to stop without tipping it or going over the tiller. Steve Baldock told me that some frustrated car drivers had been a bit naughty and pulled in quickly after overtaking. Try explaining how you were shunted by a Steam Car to your insurance company!

I left them as they headed of to Coatbrdge and sponsor DHL, who were providing the diesel fuel that is used to heat the boiler, some 2000 litres in all. The car is not the most economic and manages about 8 miles on a tank of water.

To ensure the run is accurate the Lykamobile returned to South Queensferry to continue its journey to Dalkeith, Jedburgh and over the border to Newcastle.

The full journey can be seen at


Raising money for Hearing Dogs for Deaf People


Updated 4 August 2009