|  | Clyde Valley Rally - 22 October 2017

Lineup at New Lanark Heritage Village
Ophelia and Brian had left their mark with standing water and debris on
many of the rural roads across the Clyde valley and beyond. This made
for a challenging route for the starters of this years event. The sun
did break through, with Craig and Rod Ritchie being first to took the
top down on their Porsche Boxster.
problems started early with three of our crews unable to make the
start, mechanical issues affecting most either before or on their way
to New Lanark.

Shiny new metal awaits their crews
Twelve of our crews made it to the start line as
the blue sky made its appearance over the New Lanark Heritage Village,
which has become a favourite start point for a few events in past
years. Refreshed with the obligatory Bacon buttie and coffee we headed
for the top car park to be flagged off on our way.
Once again
we had set out a few observation codes to test the eyesight of the
navigator and driver too. One of these would create some confusion, being
a take on the code board at the back of a triangle, a favourite teaser
on many a nav rally evening.
Leading the pack were Chris and Mary
Paton in their Mini, which we saw recently on the Highland Car
Club Crofterra Pandemonia in Inverness. A very tidy car and quick
as well. Colin Laird was next in a sparkling red Hillman Imp, which he
told me had not been specially polished for the event, but I was
suspicious! Brian Shute would read the notes. George and Ann Head
were yet to drop the top on their 1996 BMW Convertible, with Ann in the
driving seat. Andrew Swanston changed from his VW Golf into his 1973
Lotus Elan Sprint in the iconic Red, Gold and White 'Gold Leaf' colour
scheme, with a young Findlay Wyatt on the roadbook..
Before I knew what had happened Craig and Rod Ritchie
had sprinted off in their red 2000 Porsche Boxster. This local crew
thought they knew all the roads around Lanark, but would scratch their
heads not too far from the start. Vaughn Taylor and Jim Campbell teamed
up again in another Porsche, this time with a fixed top, so no worries
if the rain re-appeared! Club committee member Tom Niven along with
Karen Wilson brought the MGF along, now sporting two new front wings.
So new they still wait the final top coat of paint. Our lone MGB was in
the shape of a '67 GT variant with Colin Sansome and Brian Leeson.
the way from Inverness was Roddie Main driving Dave Spence in the BMW
325Ci Sport, followed by Rueben Phillips and daughter in his 2003 MX5.
Another Hillman Imp, this time a '72 blue model was crewed by Ian and
Ann Sinclair. Pulling up the rear was the '65 MG Midget of
regulars Jock Millar and Linda Telford, and Rueben Phillips and
daughter in the 2003 Mazda MX5..
The route headed
out of Lanark, hugging the side of the River Clyde as the cars made
their way to Cramichael and Thankerton. Form there it was over to
Symington and south toward Crawford cutting over the main west coast
railway line several times. We saw a few high speed express trains
heading to and from Glasgow.
Over the hills toward Moffat
before turning north east to Tweedsmuir and over the hills again,
passing Talla and Meggat reservoirs, both full and overflowing. It was
here we met a lot of standing water, which had caught the Ritchie Boxster out earlier as it bow waved into a large pool.

All in at Netherurd
now reached an overflowing St. Mary's Loch, driving along the
northern shore to the control refreshment stopover at the Gordon Arms
on the side of the Yarrow Water. Fully refreshed the route turned north
uphill to Traquair and on to Innerleithen. Anyone stop for an ice cream
from the famous Caldwells ice cream shop? Every colour and flavour.
A sharp left to head up the Moorfoot Hills to Middleton, taking
in the staggering view over Edinburgh and the river Forth, as you reach
the top the hill. From there it was across to Gladhouse Reservoir,
cutting to Eddleston and the last leg of
our tour.
set of hills to climb, the Meldons, leading to
Lyne village and Lyne Station. From there it was a straight run due
west to Netherurd where a warm reception awaited along with
refreshments including a bowl of hot soup and snacks for those feeling
a little more
Great route was reported by many taking part, quite a
few for the first time on this type of road tour.
 Taylor/Campbell Porsche | 
Finish lineup | 
Head BMW |
More events promised for the
coming year, so lookout for the 2018 calendar to be published soon.
Updated 27 October 2017 Webmaster
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