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Stuart Turner (left) and Eric Carlsson on the rally winning Saab

Graeme Gallaoway's Anglia
An evening with Eric Carlsson and Stuart Turner

A full house welcomed Stuart Turner for the evening with Erik Carlsson and Stuart Turner on Thursday 29th September in the Monte Carlo room at the Blyhtswood Hotel in Glasgow. Unfortunately Erik was to ill to attend but Douglas Anderson and Jim Paterson hot footed down Eriks' home and carried out a video interview. A full house crowd of over 70 people attended the evening.

Erik made the audience laugh, at his antics on the RAC rally in 1960, and his exploits on some of the other famous events. As the world's first professional rally driver, Erik spoke of his favourite rally, the Liege Sofia Liege in 1964. On that occasion his co-driver took ill on route leaving Erik to drive the 4500 miles in 96 hours with only 1 hours rest in Sofia. As he put it "the decision was go to the toilet, or get something to eat". He definitely does not recommend doing this sort of thing now, but then he managed to secure second place.

Stuart talked for about an hour, relating his time with Erik and how the orgnaisers of the Liege in those days "were up to all the tricks in the book". The only way to win was to go as fast as you could, and for the little Saab that equated to top speed the whole way!

Videos of the 1960 RAC Rally and the 1958 Coupe des Alpes were shown making this an evening of nostalgia of how rallying used to be.

Erik has promised that he will come up to Scotland and give us a treat in the new year. Look out for an announcement in the new year.

Updated 2 October 2011