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Heading through the Glens

Line up while at lunch

Tartean Tammy for driver

Car Park Full

Alan leads the way

Corran Ferry

Maxi just makes it on the ferry.
Graeme Gallaoway's Anglia
Drive to Arisaig and Morar - 9 & 10 August
Report and photos Alan Duncan

The sun shone on the group that turned out for Alan Duncan's run to Arisaig on 9th August. The group set off from Dobbies at Stirling on the road to Crianlarich and Glencoe for a coffee stop at the Kinghouse.

Heading west for the Corran ferry crossing, and the drive through Sunart and Moidart, which  was something else, stopping along the way for photos.

At Arisaig, some of the crews  headed  for the White Sands beach featured in the film
Local Hero,before enjoying dinner and entertainment at the Arisaig Hotel.

Great weekend away, even if the Sunday return was a bit damp as the remnants of hurricane Bertha greeted the crews.

Click HERE to see a selection of Alan's photos of the weekend

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Updated 11 August 2014