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Enroute to Oslo

Looking up to top of ski jump

Holmenkollen Park Hotel

Farewell Dinner

Looking over Oslo

Looking up to ski jump from the city

Lille Storebaelt Bridge

Last dinner together

Graeme Gallaoway's Anglia
Arctic Adventure  -  10 to 31 May 2018  Part 7
Story by Margaret Campbell


After a quick supermarket visit the following morning we set off on the last leg of our official route. It was just over 100 miles to Oslo so we had a leisurely drive but still we arrived too early to book into the hotel. We put our luggage in, parked the cars in the underground park and then we had our picnic on the lawn outside.

We then went to explore the Ski Museum and Ski Jump Tower which was just behind the hotel in Holmenkollen. It was a fantastic experience and well worth a visit and the views from the top were spectacular. I will certainly have a lot more respect for Ski Jumpers from now on. By the time we got back to the hotel our rooms were ready so we could get ourselves freshened up for our farewell dinner.

We decided to have it that night as everyone was doing different things the next day and might want to eat in Oslo.The hotel we were staying in had originally been a sanatorium for tuberculosis patients but was converted to an hotel around 1914. It was occupied by German officials during WW11 and was last renovated around 1991. It stands in a magnificent position overlooking Oslo and the surrounding area.

Our day in Oslo was spent in the Kontiki and Fram Museums which we reached by taking a tram down the hill to the centre of town and then a ferry across the harbour. The weather was particularly hot that day so the museums were very quiet as everybody was outside but although this should have worked to our advantage it was also too hot to be inside and, after an ice cream we made our way back to the hotel a little earlier than we should for a rest.

The Road home

The following morning we said goodbye to Ranald & Louise as they headed south to return to their home in Bourgogne. We travelled with Dave and Maureen heading through Sweden to spend the night in Malmö overlooking the Øresund Bridge which we crossed the next day to Copenhagen.

We then followed the E20 through southern Denmark which took us from the island of Zealand across the Great Storebælt Bridge, the island of Funen past Odense and across the Lille Storebælt Bridge back to mainland Denmark and on to Germany where we spent the second night of our homeward bound journey. Then it was onto Amsterdam to catch the ferry from Ijmuiden to Newcastle and home.

Our mileage total door to door was 4,654 and every one of them was most enjoyable. Great scenery, great roads, great company.

Published 2 July 2018