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Last lunch in the sunshine

Bridges in the mist

Louise examines some flora

To cold to hang around

Ferry to Halsa

Graeme Gallaoway's Anglia
Arctic Adventure  -  10 to 31 May 2018  Part 3
Story by Margaret Campbell

After crossing the Herjestranda to Solsnes ferry, we found another nice layby for our picnic lunch and were lucky that we still had sunshine as it was all about to change. Moving on towards Kristiansund we were looking forward to driving the famous Atlantic Road where a number of islands have been joined up in a series of causeways and high bridges.

We had all seen footage of the drive on You tube but were disappointed when we arrived as the haar was so thick we could not see any of the crossings unless we were actually on them. We stopped in the car park and waited for a while to see if it would lift but had to leave before it moved. It was only a short drive from there to Kristiansund and as the city occupies 3 islands we had to cross to our overnight stop through a very expensive tunnel. We arrived in time to have a nice walk around our part of the city and to watch
one of the Costal Express boats (Hurtigruten) calling in for a short visit. That would be us in a weeks time.

Next morning we decided that, as it wasn’t too far, we would retrace our steps and go back to see the atlantic road. Ranald & Louise went a different way to see an arboretum south of Kristiansund. We would meet up with them again in Trondheim.

We were lucky as the mist had lifted and we could at least take some photographs but it was a cold grey day and we didn’t want to hang around. Taking a slightly different route than planned we followed a smaller road to get us back on track and avoid the big tunnel again. We crossed the Skjerran to Halsa ferry and travelled on the main E39 stopping for a picnic lunch but this time we had to eat in our cars as it was cold and damp.

We arrived in Trondheim for our two night stay in mid afternoon and discovered after all our planning that the hotel did not have its own parking and we had to unload the cars and then take them to the station carpark which luckily was not too far.

We found a nice restaurant for supper and realised that we may struggle to get a meal the next night as it was Syttende mai, (17th May), Norwegian constitution day, and an official public holiday when the Norwegians attend large parades and party all day and well into the night.

We were lucky to be in a large city where we could attend these parades and see what it was all about. Getting into bed that night we realised that we had come      
The Atlantic Road
to the end of the first week of our Arctic Adventure.

Published 21 June 2018
Updated 4 July 2018