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Graeme Gallaoway's Anglia
Annual General Meeting - 29 February 2012

The Annual General Meeting for the 2010/2011 year of the Club took place at The Royal Hotel in Perth on Wenesday 29th February 2012.

The meeting covered the year ending March 2011, with the previous years AGM meeting minues being accepted.

Club President Jim Paterson covered the years activities which had started with the Rally School, thanking Maurice Millar for his hard work putting the event and follow-on rally together. The Monte Carlo Historique 100th Anniversary Glasgow start had kept Douglas Anderson very busy but it was a great success with some 8000 spectators turning out to Blythswood Square for the departure. Douglas and Jim also made it all the way to Monte in the Herald, along with support form other club members.

The Argyll Classic route designed by Tom and Marianne Dromgoole was another winner in March, picking a great weekend weatherwise as well. The International Autoecosse in June again attracted a large entry from Club Triumph for their pilgrimage north of the border. Visiting the Isle of Bute was a complete change for the event.

The BBQ at Dave Barnetts' Classic Autosports ws well attended as was the Deeside at the end of July which Douglas and June put together. The pair were busy again to organise the Scottish Mountain Challenge at the end of August, the first of the "Auto Distance" events that Douglas had come up with.  

The evening with Erik Carlsson at the Blythswood Hotel attracted over 60 people to hear Erik and Stuart Turner relate stories from their rallying days, as a Saab crew. Unfortunately Erik ws not well enough to attend in person, but Douglas and Jim had been to see him at home and returned with a video interview. 

Trans Alpina in October took 7 crews across Europe on a route designed by Dave Spence covering great alpine passes and high peaks. The Legs 11 had to be cancelled but will return in 2012 in another format. Finally we wrapped up the year with the annual Christmas high Tea in December to wap stories of theyears escapade.

June Anderson presented the financial accounts which showed a cash in the bank of £3235.82 at the end of the 2010 / 2011 financial year.

Jim reported that the club had 250 members at the end of the same period. The eNewsletter goes to some 636 addresses. The website contiued to attract a healthy number of visitors,particularly in the run up to and immediately following events.

Electing the principal office bearers June Anderson offered her resignation as Company Secretary, a role which she has carried out since formation of the club in 1998. Jim Paterson thanked her for her long service and good work in carrying out the role. June did add that she would continue to be involved with the organisation of events.

Jim Paterson was re-elected as President, John Stuart was re-elected as Treasurer and also accepted the role of Company Secretary.

Whilst June stepped down from the committee, Douglas remained a member. Tom Niven and Roddie Main joined, and Dave Spence and Roger Fry were re-elected making a commitee of seven members.

Proposals to change the rules to allow a committee to be formed with no less than 5 members was adopted, and a proposal that all principal officers of the club as a minimum be Company directors was also accepted.

The 2012 / 2013 Calendar of events was then summarised beofre the meeting closed.
Jim Paterson


Updated 2 March 2012